Human Nutrition and Dietetics Exam Prep: Multiple Choice Questions Made Easy

1st Edition (2023)

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Nutrition/Dietetics's First MCQ's Book!


  • 1000+ MCQ's
  • Authentic Answers
  • Concise
  • Solved MCQ's
  • Included Mock Papers
  • Up to date
  • Cover all Topics
  • Updated Editions
  • eBook
  • Online Quizes

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Muhammad Tahir Habib Chaudhary

About Author & The Book

Muhammad Tahir Habib Chaudhary has been doing blogging from last 12+ years and have written and published over nine million words during his blogging career.

As-Salamu-Alaikum Brothers and Sisters!,
it's Muhammad Tahir Habib Chaudhary here.

The study of Human Nutrition in Pakistan started in the early 1960s. The first department of human nutrition was established at the University of Karachi in 1962. Since then, several other universities and institutions have established departments of human nutrition.

If you’re tired of searching and collecting the relevant information and queries to prepare for your exam then this special edition is for you!

I am counting your time and have assembled the best data for your assistance for more better preparation.

This book will aid nutritionits/dietitians and will prepare them for Exams, Admission, and jobs tests as well.

Important Notice: Please Read Before Downloading: The download and use of this book are intended for personal educational purposes. It is not permitted to use this book for commercial purposes or to distribute it to others without proper authorization.

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